Saturday, January 5, 2008

Get Up

Is this a New Year or just another desperation?
There's much promise in 2008. There's also much doubt in 2008.
Regardless of the circumstances, I wish we'd all resolve one change. I know I've my own.
Where to begin but by just take that first step. Falling will be inevitable. Just rhetorically ask a baby. Fortunately for a young one their fall isn't as drastic as an adult. Hopefully you're making the connection there. If not, think about it...

Development is pinnacle and it takes many desired characteristics to further along. Personally I think the whole 21 day habit thing is kind of a hoax. For some reason whenever that's presented to me I think that I'll wake up on that 21st day with a new step. Well, I still put my pants on the same way every day.

Habits can be broken though. They also can be maintained. Which of the habits needs to be severed? Which need to be nurtured? Find the resolve and make it happen. I'm almost sure I'll fail along the way and I'm sure you will too. Just get up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was just listening to that song tonight.